GaurangaSundar Prabhu's corner

Mohini Ekadashi Katha

Mohini Ekadashi Katha

GaurangaSundar Das

Shri Yudhishthira Maharaja said, "Oh Janardana, what is the name of the Ekadashi that occurs during the light fortnight (Sukla paksha) of the month of Vaisakha (April-May)? What is the...


Mohini Ekadashi Katha

GaurangaSundar Das

Shri Yudhishthira Maharaja said, "Oh Janardana, what is the name of the Ekadashi that occurs during the light fortnight (Sukla paksha) of the month of Vaisakha (April-May)? What is the...

How to See Vrndavana ?

How to See Vrndavana ?

GaurangaSundar Das

Srila Narottama dasa Thakura explains that one can see Vrndavana when his mind is completely free from material anxieties and desires, visaya chariya kabe suddha habe mana, kabe hama herabo...


How to See Vrndavana ?

GaurangaSundar Das

Srila Narottama dasa Thakura explains that one can see Vrndavana when his mind is completely free from material anxieties and desires, visaya chariya kabe suddha habe mana, kabe hama herabo...

Lord Rama Appeared 18 Million years ago !

Lord Rama Appeared 18 Million years ago !

GaurangaSundar Das

There are many misconceptions regrading Appearance time of Lord Ramachandra , some think Lord Ram appeared some 10,000 years ago and mostly everyone believes that Lord Rama Appeared in Treta...


Lord Rama Appeared 18 Million years ago !

GaurangaSundar Das

There are many misconceptions regrading Appearance time of Lord Ramachandra , some think Lord Ram appeared some 10,000 years ago and mostly everyone believes that Lord Rama Appeared in Treta...

Holi Lila Of Gauranga !!

Holi Lila Of Gauranga !!

GaurangaSundar Das

From the first day of spring, Vasanta Pancami (Visnupriyaā€™s appearance day) until Gaura Purnima, Lord Gauranga plays Holi for 40 days continuously. On each day of these 40 days, Sri...


Holi Lila Of Gauranga !!

GaurangaSundar Das

From the first day of spring, Vasanta Pancami (Visnupriyaā€™s appearance day) until Gaura Purnima, Lord Gauranga plays Holi for 40 days continuously. On each day of these 40 days, Sri...

Tips for better Chanting

Tips for better Chanting

GaurangaSundar Das

Create a positive mood to welcome the Holy Name, the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra, into your heart, just the way you would welcome a special guest into your home. This can...


Tips for better Chanting

GaurangaSundar Das

Create a positive mood to welcome the Holy Name, the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra, into your heart, just the way you would welcome a special guest into your home. This can...

Difference between Deity worship and idol worship !

Difference between Deity worship and idol worsh...

GaurangaSundar Das

There is a qualitative difference between Deity worship and Idol worship as ŚrÄ«la Prabhupāda explains belowā€¦ Ā  Woman guest (2): Could youā€¦ Do you think you could explain to me...


Difference between Deity worship and idol worsh...

GaurangaSundar Das

There is a qualitative difference between Deity worship and Idol worship as ŚrÄ«la Prabhupāda explains belowā€¦ Ā  Woman guest (2): Could youā€¦ Do you think you could explain to me...